

Last Update: 15 December 2023

2021-10-26 - Men's health outreach with the "Ken Oath" barbershop in the ACT:

This article from the Canberra Weekly describes one man's innovative approach to men's health outreach.

2020-04-18 - More data on COVID-19 death rates between men and women, this time from the UK:

Another article from the Guardian highlighting that men are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 than women.

2020-03-27 - Another article discussing the difference in COVID-19 vulnerability between men and women.

This article from The Guardian states that men generally, are twice as likely to die from the coronavirus.

It was initially thought to be because of smoking, but now scientists are starting to consider that the difference in immune system between males and females maybe the leading cause.

So fathers, grandfathers, uncles, partners & other male friends in our lives probably need our support in letting them know that they are much more vulnerable...

...and suggest that they may need to take extra care around washing their hands and keeping a safe distance, etc.

2020-03-22 - Men are more vulnerable to COVID-19 and need to take extra care.

This article from the ABC states that "Mortality in males seems to be [twice higher than] every age group of females". The advice is for everyone, men in particular, to take care to avoid infection with the coronavirus.